"The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive"

― Albert Einstein ―

Elastic Load Balancer

OK. I need a police man on the road to handle my traffic. This highway is very busy we want the traffic to be routed into a different direction at peak time. That’s the job of the Elastic Load Balancer, policing traffic. It helps route the traffic across multiple EC2 instances. It will make sure that the servers are not overloaded with all the incoming requests and the requests are evenly distributed to all EC2 instances. This will make your application on running on EC2 instance more fault tolerance. There are different types of load balancers.

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What is Elastic Compute in AWS (EC2)?

The EC2 stands for Elastic Compute. It’s a web service that helps you to create a virtual machine in the cloud. It not only reduces the time it takes to spin up a new server but also allows you to quickly scale your server up and down based on your needs. In old days, we had to go through all the process to purchase more RAM, better CPU, faster hard drive and then request the experts to upgrade the server at their earliest convenience. If all the Hardware is already there but you needed an additional virtual machine, it used to take hours or days depending on the availability of the networking team. With EC2, that’s not the case anymore, you can upgrade or downgrade the CPU, RAM or Hard drive and spin a new virtual machine using the AWS console within minutes. It also helps you to with the cost. AWS only charge you for the capacity that you consume.
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What is Amazon DynamoDB?

The DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service managed by AWS. It supports all database functionalities such as storing, querying, and updating documents. When you store data in DynamoDB NoSQL database, the data is stored in a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The NoSQL has no joins and rules and that makes the NoSQL database suitable for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP). The database consists of tables, items and attributes. For example, I would like to store the names of the books that I borrowed from the public library in a NoSQL database. I will create a table (it’s a collection of data) called MyBooks and each book will contain a record called Item.
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CloudWatch, CloudTrail and AWS Config

It’s very important to learn the difference between many tools available in AWS cloud. When we first learn about these tools, it seems like we are stuck in a maze. So many different routes and we do not know which one lead you to the wrong exit. To successfully utilize these tools Let’s learn the difference between CloudWatch, CloudTrail and AWS Config.
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What is Simple Queue Service (SQS)

AWS Service is a service that queue messages and allows the organization to run their processes independently and send, store, and receive messages between the processes. You do not need to manage the SQS service as it will automatically scale based on the demand. There are two different types of queues.
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Introduction to CloudWatch

The Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring service that lets you monitor your AWS resources, billing, and applications in your AWS environment or resources on premises. The CloudWatch can be used to monitor any application or resources. Some of the resources that can be monitored by CloudWatch are:
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