"The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive"

― Albert Einstein ―

Flutter Newbies: Are you unable to load flutter images in your project?


Flutter Newbies: Are you unable to load flutter images in your project?

I am a newbie in Flutter development and spend almost 20 minutes trying to figure out why in the world my images are not being loaded in my app. Well, it was a problem with Indentation in the pubspec.yaml file. It's all about indentation after all. You got to make sure that your indentations are correct in your pubspec.yaml. So for the assets or images folder, you have to make sure that assets are aligned perfectly with the user-material-design: true.  You could also use https://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator to validate your pubspec.yaml.


Is your Sitecore loading icon does not disappear on your Sitecore Experience Editor Screen and you are getting 500 error (Ribbon.aspx) in the Browser Developer console?


Ribbon.aspx: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()

Is your Sitecore loading icon does not disappear on your Sitecore Experience Editor Screen and you are getting 500 error (Ribbon.aspx) in the Browser Developer console?

This issue is mostly likely related to your Sitecore group or user security permissoins on Devices item located  "/sitecore/layout/Devices". You have to make sure that your user or sitecore group has Read only permissoins to Devices and all children items. Once you grant read only access then this error will go away.